11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Exhibitor Registration

Exhibitor Load in (by 4:00 p.m.)

Location: Kilimanjaro Ballroom

1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Attendee Registration

Location: Reg Desks 1 and 2

2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Hotel Room Check-in Kiosk Open

Location: Kilimanjaro Lobby

2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Education Sessions I: Fostering Community Collaborations to Grow Public Understanding and Build Brand Identity

Location: Ironwood

Track 5: Of the Moment


  • The Communication Solutions Group
  • Christopher Polzer - Assistant Superintendent at Bristol Township SD
  • Scott Eveslage - Superintendent at Hatboro-Horsham SD

Is your school district sitting on untapped opportunities to connect more broadly with parents, empty-nesters and the local business community? What types of collaborations could flourish if only more stakeholders understood your strategic plan, your academic initiatives and why resources are being directed at them? The relationship between good schools and property values is indisputable. But school districts often struggle with how to get the word out to each distinct stakeholder group and build a brand. This workshop will highlight best practices within two PA school districts for growing community engagement through comprehensive external communication efforts.

2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Education Sessions I: From Chaos to Civility: Charting a New Course Toward Strategic and Effective Board Culture

Location: Sagewood

Track 6: Board Governance


Grove City Area SD

  • Jeffrey Finch, EdD - Superintendent
  • Douglas Gerwick, JD - School Board President
  • Joshua Weaver, EdD - Assistant Superintendent

In this session, presenters will explore the transformation of one school board from a state of disarray and public embarrassment to one of effective governance and civility. This session highlights the strategic leadership decisions and the subtle cultural behavioral strategies that were instrumental in creating a positive dynamic on the board over time and moving away from a disruptive, chaotic and highly polarized governance structure. The discussion will cover how the board was transformed through implementing key aspects of effective board governance, including the environment, board composition, leadership, behavior management, training, and governance structure. Presenters will share practical strategies for fostering a collaborative and respectful board culture, emphasizing the importance of comprehensive training, clear governance structures and thoughtful leadership.

2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Education Sessions I: Innovative Pathways: Exploring Germany's Technical Education Blueprint

Location: Rosewood

Track 4: Pathways to Learning

Track 5: Of the Moment


PSBA Germany Participants

  • Britta Barrickman – Chief Impact Officer at PSBA
  • Mark Covelle - Administrative Director at Middle Bucks Institute of Technology
  • Brady Feicht - Board Member at Allegheny-Clarion Valley SD
  • Amanda Hetrick - Superintendent at Forest Area SD
  • David Schaap - Board Member at Brentwood Borough SD
  • Nathan Strunk - Board Vice President at Pocono Mountain SD

Join participants from the PSBA Trust Institute’s international study group who traveled to North Rhine-Westphalia in April 2024 to learn about Germany’s educational system widely known for its dual-track career technical/academic education for students. The career technical track combines theoretical education with practical training in real-world jobs. In this session, learn how the German model can serve as a blueprint for our educational systems to improve the technical training and apprenticeships for our students. Study group participants will share their experiences and key learning from their study group trip, which included meeting with federal, state and local officials as well as educational system leaders and corporate leaders working together to educate and train students.

2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Education Sessions I: The School Board Governance Loop: A Model for Successful Board/Admin Teamwork

Location: Aloeswood

Track 6: Board Governance


PSBA Professional Development Department

  • Will Smeltzer - Associate Director of Professional Development at PSBA

A school district's culture originates from its leadership and extends throughout the entire organization, significantly influencing the success of both students and staff. In this session, presenters will explore the collaborative dynamic between the board, which concentrates on governance, and the administration, which focuses on management, to ensure the effective operation of the school system. Utilizing the School Board Governance Loop model and real-world examples, participants will have the opportunity to review, discuss and share best practices in board-administration relations.

3:45 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.

Education Sessions II: Emerging Trends in Teen ATOD Use and Overdose Reversal

Location: Ironwood

Track 3: Safe Schools


  • Cammie Anderson - Drug and Alcohol Prevention Education Specialist at Tunkhannock Area SD

In this session, participants will learn the latest trends in drug and alcohol use among teens. Presenters will address many of the "legal" substances in our schools (Delta, Kratom and Gas Station heroin) as well as the use and dangers of medical cannabis among teens. They will also discuss the prevalence of fake pills and its effect on the increase of overdose deaths among young people. Participants will be trained in the use of Narcan and the importance of ease of access due to the fact that fentanyl is being found in so many drugs including THC and nicotine vapes.

3:45 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.

Education Sessions II: 2024 Legal Highlight Reel

Location: Orange

Track 5: Of the Moment


PSBA Legal Department

  • Carmen Bloom, Esq. - Chief Legal Officer
  • Christian DeFilippo - Director of Legal Services

Learn about significant developments in school law from PSBA's staff attorneys.

3:45 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.

Education Sessions II: Besser Vorbereitete Lehrkräfte (Better Prepared Teaching Staff): German Strategies for Improving Teacher Readiness

Location: Sagewood

Track 5: Of the Moment


PSBA Germany Participants

  • Jennifer Cramer – Director of Conferences and Events at PSBA
  • Wesley Bensing - Assistant Director of Business Affairs at Cornwall Lebanon SD
  • Julie Chandler - Board Vice President at Canon McMillan SD
  • Marcia Kimler - Board Vice President at Penns Valley Area SD
  • Jason Minnich - Board President at Millersburg Area SD

Join participants from the PSBA Trust Institute’s international study group who traveled to North Rhine-Westphalia in April 2024 to learn how the German K-12 education system supports teacher training, recruitment and retention, and how we might innovate Pennsylvania teacher training. Presenters will share stories of success and challenges in the German system, discuss similarities and differences to Pennsylvania public education, and analyze the extensive investments and resources allocated to teacher training in Germany resulting in higher job satisfaction, greater retention and better student outcomes. No system is perfect, and this session will explore considerations for improvements in our successful but challenged system in Pennsylvania.

3:45 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.

Education Sessions II: Finding Equity in Student Placement Through Kindergarten Registration

Location: Rosewood

Track 4: Pathways to Learning


Clearfield Area SD

  • Shaina Franson, Ed.D. - Assistant Elementary Principal at Clearfield Area Elementary School
  • Mary Mike Sayers - Director of Intervention Services and Federal Programs

Kindergarten registration has evolved over the years to become a process that introduces students to the school setting in a welcoming environment while collecting valuable information that sets the stage for a student’s school career. The data collection, combined with a learning experience for the students, is the foundation of a successful kindergarten registration process. Join speakers from Clearfield Area School District to learn innovative practices that can be adapted to meet the unique needs of your district to provide an equitable kindergarten registration process. Understand how to make data-driven decisions and provide a memorable experience for your students and their families.

3:45 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.

Education Sessions II: How Superintendents Can Improve the Evaluation, Development and Retention of High-Quality Principals

Location: Aloeswood

Track 2: Superintendent Focus


  • Megan Ward - Director of Intervention Services and Federal Programs at Cumberland Valley SD
  • Ann Gaudino - Professor, Coordinator Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership at Millersville University

Research demonstrates that principal evaluation is often not aligned to professional development. As a result, the principal evaluation can become a "check-the-box" activity resulting in principals feeling isolated and unsupported. Many leave the profession. This session presents current research and actionable practices for superintendents to implement in their district to lead and improve the evaluation, development and retention of high-quality school principals.

4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Exhibit Hall Open

Location: Kilimanjaro Ballroom

5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Exhibitor Reception

Location: Kilimanjaro Ballroom

6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

School Leader Awards Dinner and Student Showcase

Location: Kalahari Ballroom

8:30 p.m. – 12:00 a.m.

Exhibitor Hospitalities

7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.

Exhibit Hall Open

Location: Kilimanjaro Ballroom

7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.

Attendee Breakfast

Location: Kilimanjaro Ballroom

7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Attendee Registration

Location: Reg Desk 1 and 2

7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Exhibitor Registration

Location: Reg Desk 1 and 2

8:45 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.
General Session & Keynote

General Session & Keynote

Dr. John Hodge

Location: Kalahari Ballroom

10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Education Sessions III: When the Team of 10 Only Has Nine Members: Dealing With the Difficult School Director

Location: Rosewood

Track 6: Board Governance


Moniteau SD

  • Aubrie Schnelle - Superintendent
  • Michael Panza - Board President

This presentation will provide ideas and suggestions on how to welcome new school directors and how to deal with members that inhibit the good work for the benefit of students and the community.

10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Education Sessions III: Financial Stability – The Key Metrics to Watch

Location: Kalahari A

Track 2: Superintendent Focus

Track 6: Board Governance


  • Stan Wisler - Senior Advisor, Analytics at Frontline Education
  • Christopher Lionetti - CFO/Board Secretary at Abington School District

Assuring your district’s future strength and stability is crucial for excelling in the present. Do you have the strategies, processes and tools in place to drive financial strength, stability and sustainability? Learn how one district is using data and analytics to create a culture where data is used to drive decisions that impact the financial condition of the district.

10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Education Sessions III: Kids Really Are Different: How Cognitive Skills Have Changed Since the Pandemic

Location: Aloeswood

Track 4: Pathways to Learning


  • Nancy Weinstein, MBA - Founder & CEO at MindPrint Learning, Inc.
  • Lee Ann Wentzel - Superintendent at Ridley School District

This session will examine research on changes in cognitive skills across 48,000 students pre- and post-COVID. The results validate what teachers have been saying for years – the pandemic definitely affected how kids learn. Presenters reviewed objective data on student performance on 10 unique cognitive skills, including reasoning, attention, memory and flexible thinking. These are the core building blocks for learning and behavior. Learn how brains have changed and what that implies for making necessary changes to curriculum and instruction to ensure that kids are able to learn and retain core foundational knowledge and build key skills.

10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Education Sessions III: Mental Wellness in Schools and Communities

Location: Sagewood

Track 3: Safe Schools


  • Paul Mancia - Vice President at Laurel Life
  • Megan McGuire - Principal, Fairview Elementary at Waynesboro Area School District

Understanding the complex impact of developmental trauma within schools is a paradigm shift for educators. Exploring cultural shifts within school districts is key to developing connections with families and students who experience adversity. Drawing on over 12 years of experience in providing trauma-sensitive specialty programming across Pennsylvania's school districts, this presentation aims to educate attendees on the significant impact of adversity in contemporary educational settings. Speakers will highlight successful partnerships with community-based experts and school districts, provide foundational knowledge of trauma-informed care, explore the correlation between trauma symptoms and behaviors, and present evidence-based engagement and teaching strategies to foster a safe and supportive learning environment.

10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Education Sessions III: Peer Jury: A Model for School-Based Court Diversion Programs

Location: Kalahari H

Track 3: Safe Schools

Track 5: Of the Moment


  • Aaron Vanatta - Chief of School Police/Safety and Security Coordinator at Quaker Valley School District

This presentation will outline how a district established a school-based court diversion program designed to keep first-time offenders out of court by capitalizing on the most influential relationships in their lives – their peers. This model program is a cooperative effort by schools, peers, parents and other stakeholders. It is hoped that this program will have a longer-lasting effect than judgement by adults and that offenders and peer jurors will become more aware of the American judicial system and its practical application. School officials and/or school-based law enforcement will leave this session with the resources and templates necessary to go back to their schools and establish an effective school-based court diversion program.

10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Education Sessions III: What Educational Leaders Should Know About Construction and Renewable Procurement Programs

Location: Ironwood

Track 5: Of the Moment


  • George Fiore - Executive Director at Chester County IU 24
  • Alyssa Wingenfield - Vice President, Sales & Marketing at McClure Company

In this session, learn how to navigate construction and renewable procurement programs. Understand how these initiatives can reduce your school district's environmental footprint, unlock cost-saving opportunities, enhance your learning environment, prepare students for a sustainable future, and engage the community and stakeholders. Join us for this informative session and gain the tools to make informed decisions about your school district's construction and energy procurement needs.

11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Attendee Lunch

Location: Kilimanjaro Ballroom

11:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Exhibit Hall Open

Location: Kilimanjaro Ballroom

1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Afternoon Beverage Break

Location: Kilimanjaro Ballroom

1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Education Sessions IV: Cherish Their Minds, Change Your Schools: Implementing Comprehensive Mental Health Programming in Your District

Location: Kalahari A

Track 3: Safe Schools


  • Amy Arcurio - Superintendent at Greater Johnstown School District
  • Melanie (Mel) Shaver-Durham - Director of District Partnerships at Effective School Solutions

The Greater Johnstown School District (GJSD) was seeking to prevent further outplacements for their elementary students with intensive mental health and behavioral health needs. Through a partnership with Effective School Solutions, GJSD was able to provide comprehensive in-school therapeutic support for those students. As a result, GJSD did not need to outplace any elementary students during the 2023-24 school year. In this session, learn how Dr. Amy Arcurio's decision to implement comprehensive therapeutic mental health programming in her district changed both the lives of students in need as well as the entire school community for the better.

1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Education Sessions IV: Education Next – Leading for a New Vision, Coming Together for Public Education

Location: Rosewood

Track 2: Superintendent Focus
Track 4: Pathways to Learning
Track 5: Of the Moment


  • Sherri Smith - Executive Director at Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators

Unleash the future of K-12 education! Join us to hear an update on Education Next, a collaborative between four professional organizations in PA, designed to spark innovation, inspire change and lead with vision. Leading toward a new vision necessitates a paradigm shift, encompassing a holistic, innovative and inclusive approach to education, challenging traditional norms, and embracing a learning environment suitable for 21st-century learners. This requires leaders who are transformative, visionary and empathetic, capable of managing change, leveraging technology, and cultivating a culture of continuous learning. Learn how this work is impacting educational entities across our state.

1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Education Sessions IV: Increasing Equitable and Efficient Family Engagement

Location: Aloeswood

Track 5: Of the Moment


  • Ann Marie Vaughn - Principal at Pocono Mountain West Junior High School
  • Adam Lindstrom - Account Executive, Partnerships Northeast at TalkingPoints

In this session, attendees will learn how Pocono Mountain West Jr. High School has increased family engagement through effective, efficient and equitable communication through TalkingPoints. With ease of use for teachers and parents, the school is better able engage with families and break down language barriers and tech-access barriers in support of improved attendance and student outcomes through TalkingPoints. Presenters will examine examples and data, discuss implementation and hear from participants on their strategies for effective family engagement.

1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Education Sessions IV: Moving From an Adult-Focused to a Student-Outcome-Focused School Board

Location: Ironwood

Track 6: Board Governance


Governor Mifflin School District

  • Lisa Hess - Superintendent
  • Lisa Peterson - School Board Vice-President

The purpose of the school board is to develop student-outcome-based goals aligned to the district comprehensive plan to drive the overall success of the students, and ultimately, the district. Student outcomes don’t change until adult behaviors change, therefore, changing adult behavior is a powerful lever for improving student outcomes. In this session, learn more about how school board director can engage in a never-ending continuous improvement process which is built on these foundational cornerstones: Focus Mindset, Clarify Priorities, Monitor Process, Align Resources and Communicate Results.

1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Education Sessions IV: Our Journey in Shaping Workforce Readiness and Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Educational Settings

Location: Kalahari H

Track 1: Education and Technology
Track 4: Pathways to Learning
Track 6: Board Governance


Berks Career & Technology Center

  • Michael Stein - CTE Innovation Systems Coordinator
  • Michael Stauffer - Executive Director
  • William Carl Jr. - Joint Operating Committee and Conrad Weiser School Board Member

In this presentation, Berks Career and Technology Center will share innovative approaches to career and technical education (CTE) and artificial intelligence (AI) implementation. Gain valuable insights and practical strategies for school leaders and school board directors, demonstrating where education and technology work together for the benefit of students and staff. Engage in meaningful dialogue about the role of CTE in shaping future workforce readiness and the integration of AI in educational settings.

1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Education Sessions IV: School Safety Preparedness: Addressing Emergent Trends Beyond Drills

Location: Sagewood

Track 3: Safe Schools
Track 5: Of the Moment


  • Britta Barrickman – Chief Impact Officer at PSBA
  • Roberta Marcus - PennSSI Board of Advisors Chair, Retired School Director, Past PSBA President, Strategic Consultant for PSBA
  • Michael Deitz - Director of School safety at PennSSI

Join leaders from the Pennsylvania School Safety Institute (PennSSI) for an interactive session on emergent school safety trends. School safety now encompasses many interrelated aspects, including student and staff mental and behavioral health, physical and campus safety, and broader school community threats. This session will explore these trends, plus changes in statewide data and student protective factors, substance use awareness, and strategies to improve local school safety practices.

2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Nutrition Break

Location: Kilimanjaro Ballroom

2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Hotel Room Check-in Kiosk Open

Location: Kilimanjaro Lobby

2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.

Education Sessions V: Solving the Mystery – Financial Information That Makes Sense

Location: Rosewood

Track 2: Superintendent Focus
Track 6: Board Governance


  • Stan Wisler - Senior Advisor, Analytics at Frontline Education
  • Eric Petery - Business Manager/Board Secretary at Millersburg Area School District

Do your eyes glaze over when you see those multiple page Excel reports? Excel is an amazing tool and has its place. Telling your district’s financial story in a way that is understandable and relevant is critical to making decisions. All district decisions have a financial impact; therefore, a high-level comprehension of the financial picture is critical to your district’s success. Learn how one district has turned its financial presentations from boring to interesting. The result is better decision-making. Assuring your district’s future strength and stability is crucial for excelling in the present.

2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.

Education Sessions V: Sustaining Leadership Through School Director Turnover

Location: Ironwood

Track 2: Superintendent Focus
Track 5: Of the Moment
Track 6: Board Governance


  • Ken Berlin, Ed.D. – Superintendent at Wattsburg Area School District
  • Andrew Pushchak, Ed.D. – Professor at Pennsylvania Western University

Elections have consequences. For school districts, the resulting churn of new school board directors can be very disruptive. Also, consider the increase in superintendent turnover in Pennsylvania. The loss of leadership and institutional knowledge caused by such change can cause significant chaos in any school district. After 12 years, Superintendent Ken Berlin and school director Andy Pushchak are the only familiar faces at their school board meetings. Join them as they talk about practical strategies to build a culture of effective board operation that can sustain leadership through turnover.

2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.

Education Sessions V: Understanding Career and Technical Center Financing

Location: Sagewood

Track 2: Superintendent Focus
Track 6: Board Governance


  • Jamie Doyle - Managing Director at PFM Financial Advisors
  • David Schaap - Board Member at Brentwood Borough School District, Steel Center CTC JOC Member
  • Kevin Rice - Executive Director at Steel Center for Career and Technical Education
  • Melissa Hughes - Senior Managing Consultant at PFM Financial Advisors

Career and technology centers (CTC) have capital needs, just as school districts do. Financing those needs is more complicated due to the governance structure of CTCs. Hear from a CTC executive director, a joint operating committee board member, and a municipal advisor about the key milestones associated with financing these capital projects.

2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.

Education Sessions V: Forging Ahead: Leveraging School-University Partnerships to Develop Teacher Pipelines Within Existing Budgets

Location: Aloeswood

Track 2: Superintendent Focus
Track 4: Pathways to Learning
Track 5: Of the Moment


  • Cathy Taschner – Superintendent at Schuylkill Valley School District
  • Rebecca West Burns - Dean of College of Education at Kutztown University
  • Linda Lash - School Board Member at Schuylkill Valley School District

This presentation will explore a school-university partnership and provide an academic and fiscal roadmap regarding this ongoing work and its potential to impact teacher retention and a teacher pipeline. Specifically, participants will learn about the conceptual framework for the Schuylkill Valley School District and Kutztown University’s College of Education Teacher Leadership Academy for Literacy. This school-university partnership was designed to bridge theory into practice by rethinking professional learning through the lens of instructional coaching with a focus on literacy within a single elementary school setting. The partnership established a clear purpose to increase student achievement through developing teacher-leaders who are able to coach and provide professional learning to the larger school community including the university’s teacher candidates.

2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.

Education Sessions V: How to Eliminate Your School District's Professional Development Barriers with P.L.A.Y. (Professional Learning and You)

Location: Kalahari A

Track 1: Education and Technology
Track 4: Pathways to Learning
Track 5: Of the Moment


Westmoreland Intermediate Unit

  • Jason Conway - Executive Director
  • Timothy Hammill - Curriculum Services Director

In today's educational landscape, professional development (PD) is pivotal to enhancing teaching practices and student outcomes. Yet, many districts face significant barriers in implementing effective PD programs that truly empower educators. This presentation introduces a transformative approach to PD – P.L.A.Y. (Professional Learning and You) – designed to dismantle these barriers and foster a culture of continuous growth and learning among educators. This session will explore the innovative P.L.A.Y. framework, which integrates personalized, collaborative and sustained professional learning experiences tailored to meet the diverse needs of educators within your district.

2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.

Education Sessions V: It Takes Teamwork: A School Board Working Together to Improve Student Learning

Location: Kalahari H

Track 6: Board Governance


Ephrata Area SD

  • Brian Troop - Superintendent
  • Timothy Stayer - School Board Vice President
  • Lara Paparo - School Board Director

Discover how a school board and superintendent work together, focused on continuous improvement and the district mission. Learn about the processes and practices of Ephrata Area School District board governance, including methods and strategies which enable a positive working atmosphere. Explore and review the Four Quadrants of Board Governance, reflective surveys, score cards and workshop sessions.

4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Exhibitor Reception

Location: Kilimanjaro Ballroom

7:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.

Attendee Buffet Breakfast

Location: Kilimanjaro Ballroom

7:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Attendee Registration

Location: Reg Desk 1 and 2

7:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Exhibitor Registration

Location: Reg Desk 1 and 2

7:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Exhibit Hall Open

Location: Kilimanjaro Ballroom

8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

Early Bird Sessions VI: Building Relationships with Unions: School Director Do's and Don'ts

Location: Aloeswood

Track 6: Board Governance


North Hills School District

  • Allison Mathis - President, North Hills School District; President-Elect, PSBA
  • Sandra Kozera - School Director

The relationship between the school administration and the unions within the district is a critical piece to the district's overall success. School directors can support this relationship in a variety of ways. In this session, presenters will review key elements of contract negotiation, as well as ways to support the union relationship outside of the negotiation process. They will also discuss potential pitfalls that school directors may encounter regarding union relations and how to avoid falling into those traps. Both presenters have been board representatives to the negotiation team for all district unions and are regular attendees at quarterly meetings with representatives of the teachers' union.

8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

Early Bird Sessions VI: Governing Through Policy, Implementing Through Administrative Regulations

Location: Zambezi

Track 6: Board Governance


  • Davelyn Smeltzer - Senior Director of Policy Services at PSBA

School boards govern through adopting and revising board policies to comply with state and federal law, regulations, court decisions and by the board's authority itself. Maintaining current and compliant board policy is an ongoing process. This session will provide an introduction to the elements of effective policies and discuss the roles of the board and administration in adopting policy and effective implementation through administrative regulations.

8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

Early Bird Sessions VI: Is Your High School Athletic Program in Compliance with Title IX? Upper Perkiomen's Was Not

Location: Rosewood

Track 5: Of the Moment


Upper Perkiomen School District

  • Allyn Roche – Superintendent
  • Peg Pennepacker - School Board Member
  • Robert Kurzweg - Athletic Director
  • Georgiann Fisher - Director of HR & Title IX Coordinator

WislerPearlstine, LLP

  • Justin Barbetta - Attorney

Title IX violations are all encompassing and are enforced and investigated by the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR). Have you ever wondered if your high school athletic program is compliant or if there are some proactive steps you can take to position your district to be in compliance if you get a call from OCR for a potential issue? Join this informative and interactive session with presenters from the Upper Perkiomen School District as they share their journey over a six-year time span to address OCR's concerns with the district's athletic program, which closely resembles many local school district programs. Be proactive instead of reactive and avoid potential Title IX pitfalls with the key information shared in this session.

8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

Early Bird Sessions VI: Places to Be Well: Student- and Staff-Centered Design

Location: Orange

Track 3: Safe Schools

Track 4: Pathways to Learning

Track 5: Of the Moment


RLPS Architects

  • Christopher S. Linkey, AIA, NCARB – Partner
  • Erin R. Hoffman, ALEP - Senior Project Manager
  • Michael F. Savage, AIA, NCARB - Project Architect

Warwick School District

  • Kristy Szobocsan – Principal of Warwick High School

This session will highlight how architects are planning school buildings for the needs of students and educators as human beings – addressing holistic wellness when designing fundamental building components. Presenters will show that it is possible to create safe and welcoming environments that are educationally focused yet mentally and emotionally supportive.

10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Energy Break

Location: Kilimanjaro Ballroom

10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Education Sessions VII: Data-Driven Leaders – Understanding, Leveraging and Discussing Student Achievement Data

Location: Zambezi

Track 4: Pathways to Learning

Track 5: Of the Moment


  • Cytha Guynes, EdD - Director of Professional Development at PSBA

Examining the varied sources and measures of student achievement and using the data to inform district-level decisions is one of the most important functions of school district leadership. This session will provide an overview of how student achievement is measured, the kinds of questions directors can ask when analyzing student achievement data and how to speak to your community stakeholders about data. Data-Driven Leaders is also the first session in PSBA's four-part Fall Webinar Series, where school leaders from across the commonwealth will discuss district-level data from budget and finance to population growth trends.

10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Education Sessions VII: New School Construction and Major Renovations – Providing Best Value and Delivering for Your Community

Location: Rosewood

Track 2: Superintendent Focus


  • John Eck - Vice President - General Construction Services at Fidevia Construciton Management and Consulting
  • Matthew Przywara - Assistant Superintendent at School District of Lancaster

After 15 years and 13 major projects with delivered results, the School District of Lancaster and Fidevia will comprehensively address district construction needs and how to fulfill them as well as the pitfalls to avoid and how to navigate through and around them.

10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Education Sessions VII: Pedagogical Practice: K-12 and Emerging Strategies

Location: Nile

Track 1: Education and Technology

Track 4: Pathways to Learning


PSBA Germany Participants

  • Claire Guth, MPPM – Board Director at Mt. Lebanon School District
  • Kimberly Garrison - Board Director at Lower Merion School District
  • Roberta Hotinski, PhD - Board Director at Tredyffrin/Easttown School District
  • Mark Smith - Board President at Waynesboro Area School District

In this session, attendees will learn about K-12 pedagogical practices in the German education system, including the prioritization of vertical alignment, experiential learning and project-based learning. Additionally, learn how they align standards and assessments for schools and standards for teachers throughout the Länder (state). Highlights include how German students have the difficult conversations while processing the history of their country and the practices educators have in place to ensure schools in Germany are welcoming and inclusive.

10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Education Sessions VII: Pennsylvania Supreme Courts Ruling Significantly Expands Dual Enrollment Opportunity

Location: Orange

Track 2: Superintendent Focus
Track 4: Pathways to Learning
Track 5: Of the Moment


  • Michael Mahon – Superintendent at Southern Lehigh School District

On October 18, 2023, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court affirmed an unreported Commonwealth Court decision stating that public school districts have an inherent managerial right to enter into dual enrollment agreements with postsecondary institutions. This right is not contingent on successful bargaining with the local union. This presentation will detail the specifics of the litigation that led to the Supreme Court ruling. It will also address how the ruling supports and empowers school districts to develop powerful dual enrollment programs.

10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Education Sessions VII: Social Media Guidelines for Elected Officials

Location: Aloeswood

Track 5: Of the Moment


  • Christina Lane, J.D. - Partner at Maiello Brungo & Maiello, LLP
  • Krisha DiMascio, J.D. Senior Counsel at Maiello Brungo & Maiello, LLP

Many times, elected officials and school employees have the belief that the public has no right to see their personal social media posts and email accounts. This presentation will dispel that mistaken belief and will walk through how posts on personal accounts may be open to the public under the Right-to-Know Law or through litigation discovery procedures. Because the public may have access to these posts, presenters will provide best practices to guard against disclosure of posts that were thought to be private. This session will include recent Pennsylvania Supreme Court rulings on this topic and guidance from other courts.

11:45 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Attendee Lunch and closing keynote

Attendee Lunch and closing keynote

little Steven van Zandt

Location: Kalahari Ballroom

1:00 p.m.

Exhibitor Teardown

Location: Kilimanjaro Ballroom